Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stop to Thank a 911 Dispatcher

When people talk about “first responders” they are usually referring to police, firefighters, and paramedics.  But so often the first people to respond to an emergency are actually the 911 dispatchers themselves.  With the ubiquitous coverage of 911 emergency services …

911 Dispatchers and Legal Authority

Often times when people call 911, they are in the midst of an immediate crisis. Perhaps an intruder has broken into their home or they have just witnessed a terrible car wreck. People are generally eager to help others who …

PTSD and the Emergency Dispatcher

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), commonly linked to soldiers in battle or emergency response personnel who experience profound trauma or who witness carnage and death, affects 911 dispatchers, too. Exposing the Vulnerability of Emergency Dispatchers to PTSD Although 911 dispatchers do …

How to Avoid 911 Dispatcher Fatigue

Turnover among 911 dispatchers is notoriously high. And, although there may be a number of reasons for this, one of the most common reasons for leaving a 911 dispatcher job is fatigue; or, perhaps more accurately, burnout. But if 911 …

FCC Recommendations for Public Safety Answering Points

The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, under the general supervision of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has published its recommendations for improving the nations’ Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) call centers. These include: All PSAPs should have comprehensive plans …

Ergonomic Considerations for 911 Dispatchers

The job of a 911 dispatcher involves sitting in a chair for an extended period of time, often with little time to get up and move around. Because of the lack of movement, it is important that 911 dispatchers consider …